Samsung has introduced the first UWB chip called Exynos Connect U100 to compete with Apple

Samsung’s new Exynos Connect U100 chip can help track objects within a few centimeters.

In 2021, Apple caused a stir with their AirTag object tracker and precise location finding capabilities made possible through Ultra Wideband (UWB) technology. UWB is a radio technology that can use very low levels of energy for short-range, high-bandwidth communications using a wide range of radio waves.

UWB enables everything from precise location tracking to contactless payments. Now, according to androidpolice, Samsung has unveiled the Exynos Connect U100 chip, likely designed for Samsung smart phones and next-generation trackers. The name is similar to Apple’s U1 chip. Apple’s U1 chip, which Apple designed themselves, uses a technology called ‘Ultra Wideband’ to perceive spatial awareness.

The new Samsung chip combines radio frequency, flash memory, baseband, and energy management technology in a single chip, making it ideal for compact devices like the next-gen +Galaxy SmartTag. The chip also has a power-saving mode and is equipped with STS and a secure hardware encryption engine to prevent hacking.

Samsung says the mentioned chip is great for IoT and automotive applications. As its name suggests, UWB operates on a wide frequency spectrum, enabling fast data transfer with low power over short distances. Additionally, Samsung said it used time-of-flight measurements to make the new Exynos Connect U100 as accurate as possible.

According to Samsung, this chip is also useful for AR and VR devices that require precise and instantaneous tracking of moving individuals. It’s unclear when we will see the first devices equipped with this chip.

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